Ghosts in the Baltic Sea

Alueen säännöt
Täällä keskustellaan kaikesta säähän, kalastonhoitoon, kalojen suojeluun, kalatalouteen, kalastuslakiin ja kalastusasetuksiin, ympäristöön ja luonnonsuojeluun jne liittyvistä asioista.
Kunnostus-uutiset - foorumin yleissäännöt
Viestit: 406
Liittynyt: 15:45:09 06.10.2010

Ghosts in the Baltic Sea

Viesti Kirjoittaja jämpti_on »

This is a documentary about how lost fishing gear continues to fish over decades. It is a waste of resources and a level of cruelty to animals which has not been acknowledged in this way before.

The film was financed by the Baltic Sea 2020 foundation and was broadcasted on TV4 Fakta in all Nordic countries. After the film was shown, several newspapers and news programs have also taken on the subject. In December 2011 the film received the environmental award at the international underwater film festival in Belgrade.

This film was directed, produced and edited by Joakim Odelberg, Per W Rönnecke and Peter Isaksson.

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